We began this term by celebrating Kindness Week.

Each child was given a secret friend on Monday and had to complete an act of kindness for that friend. During art class the children made friendship bracelets for their secret friends. The children really enjoyed this activity. On Friday, each child revealed who their secret friend was, told them what act of kindness they completed and exchanged friendship bracelets.

Each child in the school also wrote compliments for other students in order to light up the darkness with kindness. These compliments were displayed in the hallway of the school for all to read.

Each class did many other tasks such as, creating an anti-bullying pledge or slogan, meditation and mindfulness. It was a very busy week for the children, so the parents’ association kindly offered to gift each child an ice-cream on Friday for all their hard work.

Our Compliment Display!

Dolphins group with their ice-creams and bracelets.

The Ducklings with their ice-creams and bracelets.